Historical Chinese Postcard Project: 1896 - 1920


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Image No. cn00029

Chine - Mission des JésuitesEnfant Chinois

Chine - Mission des JésuitesEnfant Chinois

Postcard Data

Size: 88x139mm
Caption: Chine - Mission des Jésuites Enfant Chinois


Printing Technique: Phototype
Color Nature: Chromo
Postcard Particulars: Missionary postcard


Image Data

Image Nature: Photograph

Topic: Portrait of young Chinese boy

Action: The child is dressed in a festive costume: gown, jacket and hat. He stands in a studio decor, with a painted backdrop of flower bed behind a fence and a bench. His hand is on an artificial rock, while a stuffed heron and potted plants complete the decor.

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